Blackjack High Skills Low Profile
It is no secret that casinos are in it for the money, that should be an obvious and apparent fact. Their goal is to entice you to play and hope that you lose as much as possible so that they will profit in the end. This creates a problem for you if you are the kind of player who is good enough to win consistently and be really cautious about betting when the odds are against you.
Your Play, Their Loss
If you were able to relate to the criteria above, you are the kind of customer with whom the house or the casino makes a much smaller profit or even a loss. You should know that the casinos actually have employees that monitor the tables and watch out for people who win too much or too often and then escort them outside the premises.
Now, that might sound a little unfair to you (and it is, to a point) because it is not like you are actually cheating. Employing basic strategy or using card counting does not mean that you are cheating the establishment to win more. You are simply being a better player. You are still a liability nonetheless, so you will find yourself being escorted to the door should they find that you are playing too well or too smartly. First of all, it is always wise to keep a low profile whilst sitting down playing at a casino, and if you are not that good at it, you should choose an online casino like Royal Online.
As I personally worked at one of Australia’s largest casinos, I tell you this from experience. If you are being loud, obnoxious, or rude, or worst of all, all three, then you can guarantee that you are being watched by a supervisor, manager, or security, or again, all three! This is where your problems may begin, especially if you are drunk as well (note: never drink and gamble). If you are losing, then you may just get away with it, but if you are winning, then this is all the more reason to throw you out. Even worse, (if you are winning) you may be targeted by casino staff to “go upstairs” to the high rollers room/area. You may at this point be thinking, “huh”, of course, I want to go up to the high rollers room/area. well, there’s only one reason casino staff is inviting you upstairs, and it’s not because they think you are a “good bloke…or chick”, its because they know you have won a good amount of money, and they want a chance to get it back……quickly.
They will employ their best dealers to make short sharp work of your new-found wealth, and then throw you out. This (above) is all the more reason to never place all your chips/money on the table whilst playing. Always keep the casino staff guessing, and offside as to how much money you have won or lost. There is no need to be building pyramids of chips on the blackjack table in order to show your prowess at the game. This is just an invite for thieves to relieve you of your chips whilst you are busy playing a hand. Trust me, you will not even notice they are gone until it is too late.
Keep Them Off Your Tracks
Because the response of the casinos has become common, especially since books and a great number of articles have been written about blackjack strategies, camouflage betting has become one of the larger parts of higher poker strategy. Camouflage betting is exactly what the name suggests. you try to hide the fact that you are using good strategies by making bad decisions.
But just because you are doing camouflage betting does not mean you should be making bad bets consistently. That just defeats the purpose of your learning about basic strategy and card counting. If you want to camouflage your bets, do it every now and then or to break up a string of wins. Winning too often or losing too infrequently sends up the red flags for the casino staff, and that is basically what you want to avoid.
So there are two simple ways (but there are more, of course) to camouflage your bets in a casino setting: mix up your bets, or reverse bet against your strategy. We discuss a little of both in the following paragraphs.
You can mix up your bets by suddenly betting an amount that is not your usual or not within the safe range. For example, if you have been betting $5 for the past several games, try betting $10 or $15 all of a sudden. It can mess up your variance in the short term, yes, but it makes it harder for the casino staff to pinpoint you because you break up your pattern.
Reverse betting is just making a few silly decisions that go against what your strategy dictates. Again, the primary purpose of reverse betting every so many round is to throw the casino staff off your tracks. It means you will lose every so often, but you benefit in the long run, and the damages can be softened by a sufficiently-sized bankroll. Free Tip: Never be the person that stands out at a casino, the lower the profile the better.