Owning an online casino is desireable for many gaming industry participants. That is creating a substantial demand and a quite big market for casino software solutions. As a consequence many websites are offering what they call a “white label casino” or a “turneky casino” but without being the casino software manufacturer nor having real access to the software components which are required to build a casino which deserves to get defined as a white label casino. A white label product is an unbranded product which is produced for getting provided to several brands in identical or similar form. The brand owners are then labelling or naming the unbranded product with their brand name, logo etc. An already branded product where just another label is “plastered” amateurishly over the existing brand label is not a white label product. In a sometimes “creative” manner “wannabe” casino providers are trying to hide the real origin and brand name of the abused casino software/games and deploy the result of this “customization” as a white label casino product. Often demo software (of an online casino) gets manipulated or hacked for convincing potential casino clients that the “provider” has a real casino to offer. Needless to say that clients who are paying money for a faked product will experience a rude awakeing when they want to start to monetize on the casino. Be warned, there are many dubious providers in the market (especially in the USA). People llove to gamble on sa gaming website has great opportunities for betting at casino games. Players from all around the world gather together on a single platform to play and bet. A winner wins jackpots and other rewards that can either be cash or other benefits.
Poor branding
One typical approach of such “providers” is using a regular online casino affiliation (e. g. an affiliate account in an existing, popular online casino or an affiliate account of an existing white label casino) and building a custom design casino website where they present the games from this conventional online casino (e. g. Roxy Palace) or from the white label casino (e. g. Duoro Casino) as a distributable casino product. The game links to the games of that casino are then used for the faked white label casinos (which they are selling). Since there is an easy to detect discrepency between the casino website name/identity and the games and cashier identity, such attempts usually don’t convert. Casino players are cautious and if there is a doubt about the casino origin and trustworthiness they won’t deposit money. Even a few hundred bucks are too much money for the setup of such dubious “pseudo casinos” (or shall I say stolen products?). And for sure such a setup can’t get defined as a white label casino – it is just a scam.

Quick Check
First of all perform a quick check on the provider’s website. You should be alarmed in the following cases:
- You can find on the website only an email address and/or phone number. There is no company name and no company address published. Serious white label casino operators do not operate anonymous;
- The registrar data (the so called “who is” record) of the white label casino provider’s domain name is hidden (listed with “privacy protection” or “privacy service”). In such a case the provider hides his identity for legal or tax reasons. Both reasons should disqualify a provider for you. A solid and trustworthy business has nothing to hide.
- The provider has a strong focus to casino website development and not to the casino platform setup and related services;
- You can’t find any information about the casino platform;
- There are no casino references listed where you can see the casino platform “in action”;
- You can’t test-play the games;
- The provider promises to accept players from legislations were online casinos are widely illegal (e. g. from the USA).
Before you invest a higher amount of money (setup fee) you should cross-check the seriousity of a white label casino provider by contacting the games provider. Such a step will cost you only a few minutes work. So contact the mentioned games software companies like Playtech, NetEnt, Microgaming etc. to find out if the white label casino provider which you are checking is known to them and fully supported by this game software provider. Check also if the provider has a good track record with the games software company. Providers of faked white label casinos are often advertizing with business relationships which factually don’t exist (just to mislead prospects with well-known names). So do your homework if you don’t want to lose money.
The following criteria can be seen as a minimum requirement for a solid white label casino product:
- The casino name must be fully customizable in the website AND the casino games.
- All components of the casino should operate from the by YOU chosen casino domain name. This is very important;
- The casino logo must be customizable in the website AND the games;
- Game tables, cards and chips should be customizable;
- Marketing and player retention messages (e. g. player welcome and retention emails) must be fully customized with the casino name and logo;
- The player helpdesk (ticketing system – so far existent at all) must operate under the identity of the casino;
- The affiliate software (which allows white label casino clients to run their own affiliate program) must reflect 100% the casino brand;
- The casino website must support affiliate ID, campaign ID and bonus code tracking. Without these important casino website tracking features it is impossible to operate an online casino in a professional manner. So that is one of the first things to ask;
- This link provides a good overview to white label casino features in general and can be used as a check-list;
- The casino should provide a professional casino management back-office which allows you to monitor all business relevant processes;
- You should be able to run your own affiliate network which is tightly integrated into the casino platform;
A casino provider should have access to as much source code as possible. Usually white label casino providers do NOT own the software they are providing, they act instead as assemblers (aggregators) of 3rd party software only. This fact makes it often difficult to satisfy customization requests of casino clients and represents also a long-term stability risk when one of the 3rd party casino software developers stops to cooperate with the white label casino provider.
Games Which Do Not Convert
Some other providers are just offering a poor game quality which will hardly allow you to convert your gaming traffic into any cash. Good white label casino games should look like these.
High Setup Fees Are Suspicious
Beside theabove explained fundamental criteria serious white label casino providers do not charge high setup fees or regular (e.g. monthly recurring) fees. Serious providers do not make money with milking white label casino clients for the casino setup. They are operating instead the casino on a fair revenue share basis. So if high setup fees or regularly (e. g. monthly) recurring cost are part of the deal – be suspicious! Partners which are offering their white label casino solutions mainly on basis of a win/win revenue share basis seem to have more trust in the conversion potential of the provided casinos and/or have just a better customization technology in place (which doesn’t require so much work to setup your casino the right way).
Casino Testing
It is always a good idea to analyze the showcase of a white label provider. Checking some reference casinos (as a player) gives you a good orientation how your casino from the same provider will look alike. And last but not least check the service quality. Good partners are always showing a cooperative and supportive approach and don’t prioritize hard selling their solution over a competent, free consultation and an appropriate customer service. Speaking personally with your casino provider and requesting initially some pre-sales services is always a good idea to get a clearer picture if this provider acts as a real partner or is only interested to sell you a non-converting casino solution for big bucks. Don’t pay any money before you haven’t spoken with a reference customer (another white label casino owner). Try the get a picture how this casino owner experienced to make business with the white label casino provider.

Checking The Identity
Serious partners do not operate anonymously in the market. Make sure that there exists a real company and representatives with a publicly visible profile (e. g. in LinkedIn or Google+). Many white label casino providers are running rip-off schemes or are following a business model where clients are left out in the cold after the provider has received the setup fee. Such casino software providers have naturally not an interest to be known in the public. Never pay any money if you can’t get an ID verification of at least one manager.
Quick shots make no sense. I highly recommend that you go through a carefully planned decision making process for being able to collect a sufficient amout of information. Create a casino criteria list and speak personally with the white label casino provider. Providers who are promising phenomenal revenues should be treated with suspicion. Getting an own casino to convert is hard work and the revenues are usually growing slowly even if everything is setup and operated how it should be. Running a white label casino is a strategical decision which has to be well-thought and should not be based on empty promises and illusion. The basis of a successful casino project is to go through a detailed due diligence process (how outlined above). If you follow my advice you won’t lose time and money by making a wrong decision. If you had some good or bad experiences please let me know and I will publish your report on this website.