Incredibly Cheap Ways to Gamble in Las Vegas

Many casino patrons realize the odds are against them when they gamble, and that money they wager is simply for entertainment. One Las Vegas dealer explained it this way: “You’re paying for time. How much you pay for that time is up to you.”
Even with sticking to table-minimum wagers, a short streak of bad luck can eat up your bankroll in a real hurry. For those looking to stretch out their gambling budget to the extreme (and get a few free cocktails as a bonus), there are a few options that offer the ultimate time for dollar value.
Live Keno
Keno sports some of the world’s worst odds, but at the pace of five or six games and hour, a twenty-dollar bill wagered at the rate of a buck or two a game can last quite some time.
Bingo offers a minimum buy-in of $4 to $5 per session. The snooze factor is high, but you get about an hour of action and you’re in the game until the very end. Most strip casinos don’t offer bingo anymore, but it’s still available downtown and off-strip.
Sports Betting
A professional football game lasts around three hours, offering quite a bit of value for an $11 bet. Pick a side and hang on for the ride! Baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, auto racing, and more are available in the major sports books of Las Vegas.
It isn’t as easy as playing situs judi online as it involves taking huge risks at times and there have been occasions where sports players have even put their lifetime earnings in the hopes of making it big.
Pai Gow Poker
Classic table games like blackjack, roulette, and especially craps (nicknamed “the world’s fastest gambling game” by gaming authority John Scarne) can move at a bankroll-crushing pace. Newer games such as Casino War or Three Card Poker are specifically engineered to separate the player from his money in the shortest amount of time.
Conversely, Pai Gow Poker is about as slow-paced as table games go. It’s easy to learn, has a reasonably low house edge, and with a table minimum low enough it’s not impossible to make a Benjamin Franklin last for hours. Brush up on proper hand-setting strategy and learn how to bank the game when it’s your turn to reduce the house advantage to a minimum.
Watch out for Bargains That Aren’t Really Bargains
Penny slots may look like a deal at a worthless cent, but the truth is most penny machines have numerous pay lines and accept multiple coins per line. A machine with nine pay lines accepting up to five coins per line is really a 45 cent per spin machine. Many penny machines accept hundreds of coins per spin. Suddenly, you’re betting dollars in a penny machine. Considering how long a single spin lasts, the astronomical house advantage on a typical slot machine should have the gambler wanting cheap betting thrills looking elsewhere.
How Much Do You Want to Pay?
If your primary interest is beating the casino, keno or bingo won’t cut it without a tremendous amount of luck. However, gambling entertainment doesn’t have to come at a hefty price if you seek out some of the bargain-basement offerings. If you’re interested in extending the amount of time you have your money in action, one of these options might appeal to you.